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- Leak Detection Leak Detection
- Tank Volume Calibration Tank Volume Calibration
- Safety And Environment Monitor Safety And Environment Monitor
- Tank Truck Monitor Tank Truck Monitor
- Fuel Depot Measure Fuel Depot Measure
- Skid-mounted And Chemical Skid-mounted And Chemical
- Fuel Management Cloud Platform Fuel Management Cloud Platform
The PC Remote Software for tank level monitoring system is researched and developed by Windbell to provide a real-time tank level monitoring on computer at site office.
PC Remote Software
PC remote software uses an open database format. User can easily export data to excel for further data manipulation. Through PC network, all data can be easily transmitted to headquarter for decision making.
PC remote software can communicate with WINDBELL tank gauge console series.
* Easy installation and operation.
* Enough room for expanded functions.
* Real time reporting delivery, inventory, shift and alarm.
* View history reports at any time, like shift reports, delivery reports, inventory reports and alarm reports.
* User-defined alarms.
* Files can be exported in Excel or Text format.
Running Environment
* Window XP/ Win7/ Win8/ Win10.
* Higher than (including) Pentium processor 1024 MHz.
* 20G hard drive capacity.
* 1G Ram.
* Modem network connection.
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