
    1. Please do not forget to click“save”button after setup.

    2. When you want to delete one tank, firstly click tank at left table, and then click“Delete”.

Tank Configuration

Status: Choose “Valid” or “Invalid”, to enable or disable a tank.

Oil type: Choose right oil type.

Tank NO.: Choose the tank’s serial number in petrol station.

Oil color: Choose color to distinguish different oil type.

Diameter: Input tank height.

Auto leak: Choose “Yes” or “No” to start or stop automatic leak detection function.

Volume: Input maximum capacity of tank.

Duration: Choose desired duration of leak detection test.

Level: Choose leak detection test grade.

Frequency: choose the desired frequency of leak detection.

Leak time: Input the starting time of automatic leak detection test.

Water flag: Choose “Included” or not at Water Flag which mean cross volume include water or not.

1. Input tank serial number, please refer to the tank setup.

2. Input relevant alarm values at O HH, O H, O LL, O L, Temp H, Temp L, W H, W HH.

OHH alarm indicates that the oil product is likely to overfill, stop filling now.

OH alarm indicates that the oil product level high, keep your eyes on filling.

OL alarm indicates that the fuel is not enough, please make  purchase order.

OLL alarm indicates that nearly no fuel inside this tank, need to close this tank now.

WHH alarm indicates that too much water inside tank, need to remove water out.

3. Input probe ID, please ensure the right ID, each probe have the sole ID which same as the manufacturing code on probe nameplate, please record before install. 

4. If need to calibrate oil level and water level, please measure the oil level and water level by dip stick, input the measured value in O value and W value, console program will automatically calculate the result and display on Ooffset and W offset. Please note that all the unit is mm.


  1. Please do not forget to save above information after input. 

  2. If you want to delete one of the probes, click the relevant tank at left table, click “Delete” button is ok.

Probe Configuration

Tank table configuration

Search tank volume table

1. Click tank number, then click search button at top line, user can freely look up the relevant tank volume table Up and Down. Click delete if need to delete this table.

2. If you want to amend one point of tank table, choose this point data at table, input new value, click “Update” to save the new data, click  “Delete” to delete this point data.

3. If tanks in petrol station have same specification, input one tank table, click “Copy to” and choose the desired tank number, then click “save” button. That way, you can easily and fast input another one tank volume table.

Import & Export tank volume table:

1. Choose the tank in Tank No. item, click “Search” to display this tank’s volume table. Insert Flash disk into the USB port of console. 

2. Click “Import” button to import tank volume table from flash disk to console. 

3. Click “Export” button to download the tank volume table from console to flash disk. 

4. Click “Save” when operation is over. 


Please see the picture below:




Simulate tank volume table

1. Choose one tank No., and choose the tank type.

2. Input tank's data like diameter, length, head 1 and head 2.

3. Click“Gen”button to calculate and simulate the whole tank size, and automatically generate a new tank volume table. When the operation is finished, please click the “save” button.   


See the picture below:

Console Configuration

Please configure the ATGs according to the notice here.

Input tank volume table


1.Click the table, choose one line, and te input the height and relevant volume data.

2. After input all the data, click 'Save' to save the volume table.


See the picture below:

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